Katya Vilchyk - Atlanta Brand Photographer

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Discover your true benefits as a service based brand

Let’s look at marketing as a conversation you have with your potential clients. When you speak to their values - what they really want out of life - and then you give it to them, you’ll be well on your way to building a compelling brand. When you affirm and reflect their values back to them with your service, you will touch their feelings and be able to connect with them on an emotional level.

As with any service based business, you know there are obvious benefits your clients get from working with you. But there are two types of benefits - obvious benefits and true benefits. When you uncover the TRUE benefits clients get from working with you, you will be able to connect with them at a much deeper emotional level.

For example, the obvious benefits clients get out of working with me are beautiful brand photos that show off their personality. But the true benefits are feeling confident about their branding and marketing, feeling proud of the way their business shows up. When I talk about my service and how I can help my clients, I make sure to stress that I will help solve emotional issues of confidence and security in their marketing efforts by creating intentional imagery for them.

Do you see where I am going with this? Have you thought about this for your business?